The Fetal Development month by month

Fetal Development Month 1 (weeks 1 through 4) Conception, fertilization, implantation and cleavage.Between days 7-10 from fertilization implantation usually occurs.The amniotic sac, umbilical cord and yolk sac are already beginning to form.By the end of this month embryo is approximately 2mm long. The yolk sac is a membranous sac attached to an embryo, formed by …Read more


प्रनष्ठशल्य (PRANASHTA SHALYA) शल्य निरूक्ति – शल’, ‘श्वल’ आशुगमने धातू; तयोराद्यस्य शल्यमिति रूपम् ॥३॥ Sala’ and ‘svala’ are the verb-roots in the sense of ‘moving fast’, ‘salya’ is the form derived from the former. तद्विविध शारीरमागन्तुकं च ॥४॥ It is of two types –Endogenous – produced within the body.Exogenous – coming from outside. परिभाषा (PRANASHTA …Read more

Brief knowledge about An Endangered species

By Referring below Endangered species You will be able to answer following questions Q1. Describe Endangered species.Q2. Write down reason of endangered species?Q3. Explain different categories of endangered species?Q4. Give definition of Endangered and endangered species. Endangered species Introduction An Endangered (EN) species is a species which has been categorized by the International Union for …Read more

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